Tuesday Night Holy Hour for Vocations and Praying for priests
Since March 25, 2015, the parish has been spending an hour in prayer (7pm to 8pm) together in the church before the Blessed Sacrament. All are invited to join our Holy Hour on Tuesdays to pray for vocations.
A priest reads the daily gospel and says a few words on it. There is 15 minutes of silence, and then the young adults, and the Foundation of Praying for Priests Apostolate lead a public rosary, and we conclude our holy hour with benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Confessions are available throughout the hour.
The Young Adults ministry members (ages 18-35) are invited to fellowship at a local pub or at one of our parish facilities after holy hour. For information about the Young Adults Ministry please contact the leadership team: Chris Jardine, chrisjjardine@gmail.com; Carene Umubyeyi, tetacarene@gmail.com and/or Zachariah Huckins, zhuckins@stellamarissf.org
The Foundation of Praying for Priest invites you to pray for a seminarian or priest. You may choose a priest or seminarian you know. For information contact Carmen Duran, dumaryc@gmail.com