Star Speaker Series


November 11, 2022.
Immaculée Ilibagiza is a living example of faith put into action. Ilibagiza’s life was transformed dramatically during the 1994 Rwandan genocide where she and seven other women spent 91 days huddled silently together in the cramped bathroom of a local pastor’s house.

DR. “CHUCK” CHALBERG had a successful presentation as Mr. G. K. Chesterton at Star of the Sea on November 21, 2020.
Dr. Chalberg is a graduate of Regis College (now Regis University) in Denver, Colorado. He holds an MA and PhD in history from the University of Minnesota. He taught American history at Normandale Community College in Bloomington, MN, until his retirement in 2016. He was a Fulbright lecturer in Hungary in 1992 and is a senior fellow for the Center of the American Experiment. He has performed as G.K. Chesterton on EWTN’s “The Apostle of Common Sense” for a number of years. He performs and lectures as Chesterton at schools and parishes across the country. In addition, he performs as Theodore Roosevelt, H.L. Mencken, George Orwell, and baseball’s Branch Rickey. He has written a biography of Emma Goldman and a dual biography of Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey. He has also edited a volume on the history of American isolationism. He has written for a number of publications, including The Weekly Standard, Chronicles, the Imaginative Conservative, Touchstone, Intellectual Takeout, the University Bookman, Gilbert!, and the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Star of the sea was proud to present philospher John Haldane on March 7, 2020, a well attended reception and talk was hosted and Presented by Benedict XVI Institute cosoponsored by Star Speaker Series.
The distinguished British philosopher and cultural and social commentator Prof. John Haldane (University of St. Andrews, Scotland, and Baylor University, Texas) explores a profound account of experience, knowledge and the aesthetics of architecture to answer the question: How can human experiences signify God?
Patrick Coffin is the host of The Patrick Coffin Show, a podcast on faith and culture heard in over 100 countries. The former host of Catholic Answers Live radio show, Patrick has interviewed top influencers, such as Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Academy Award winner Kevin Costner, Fox News host and author Tucker Carlson, Emmy Award winning singer-actor, Harry Connick, Jr, New York Timeswriter Ross Douthat, four presidential candidates, and top Vatican cardinals. He is also the author of The Contraception Deception; Stay Cool When the Argument Heats Up; How To Handle Haters; and Once Saved Not Always Saved. In 2016 he produced the noir drama Call of the Void, starring James Morrison and Mojean Aria. Patrick lives in Orange County, CA.
To listen to the Patrick Coffin show and for other resources please go to
Four times a year our parish invites speakers over as part of our Star Speakers Series to share with us how our Catholic faith touches every aspect of our lives. In the past, we’ve invited EWTN news anchor Raymond Arroyo, film director Daniel DiSilva, Jesuit publisher Fr. Joseph Fessio, philosopher and author Dr. Peter Kreeft, astrophysicist Dr. Maria Elena Monzani, exorcist Fr. Gary Thomas, theologian Fr. Wolfgang Seitz, and anthropologist and novelist Fiorella Nash.
- Raymond Arroyo
- Daniel Disilva
- Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ
- Dr. Peter Kreeft
- Dr. Maria Elena Monzani
- Fr. Wolfgang Seitz
- Fr. Gary Thomas
- Fiorella Nash
- Barbara Nicolosi
If you are interested in getting information about future speakers please send us an e-mail to be added in our contact list. Please Visit our event page or contact Mariella Zevallos at