Fr. Peter Prusakiewicz, CSMA (Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel) is a well-travelled international speaker for over twenty years and has spoken at many conferences, retreats and parish missions all over the world.
Fr. Peter just visited Star of the Sea for a four day mission from September 23 through September 26. He talked at our parish on The power and love of St. Michael-The Archangel of the Divine Mercy. He celebrated Masses, heard confessions, and prayed daily the Chaplet of St. Michael, as well as he sung beautiful St. Michael’s songs during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Peter brought the community together in prayer, offering healing services and veneration of the first class relic of St. Faustina, during his Mission at our parish.
September 24, 2022 Fr. Peter Prusakiewicz second talk at our parish mission
September 23, 2022 Fr. Peter Prusakiewicz first talk at our parish mission
Born Torun in Poland in February 1963, entered the Congregation of St Michael the Archangel in 1982. Ordained as priest of the Congregation in May 23, 1990.
Fr Peter (who currently resides in the General House of the Congregation of St Michael the Archangel located in Marki, Poland) is a well-travelled international speaker for over twenty years and has spoken at many conferences, retreats and parish missions all over the world.
By God’s providence from 1993 – 1996, Father Peter served as chaplain to the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Warsaw where Saint Faustina started her religious life. For nearly twenty years he has travelled to many countries proclaiming and explaining The Divine Mercy devotion. His main charism and expertise is on St Michael the Archangel and the Holy Angels which has led to him becoming a sought after inspirational speaker on these topics and the Divine Mercy.
The Congregation of St Michael the Archangel run a publishing house, orphanages, schools, youth centers including working with the underprivileged and children with special needs. The religious order are also involved in missionary work in 13 countries.
Since 2004, Father Peter has also been appointed for the following: He is chief editor of two magazines “Who is like God” a Polish magazine on the topic of Holy Angels. Many people from different countries were interested in understanding more on the subject of the Holy Angels and St Michael the Archangel. The Divine Mercy and the holy angels go hand in hand. The first edition of The Angels Messengers from a Loving God magazine for the English speaking world was published in March 2010. The magazine includes many articles on the Divine Mercy.
Fr Peter was appointed The General Animator of the Knighthood of St Michael. The original statutes were approved by the Superior General from the Congregation of St Michael the Archangel (CSMA) Poland in August 1994. In August 2013 the Devotional Knighthood of St Michael the Archangel was approved, many laypeople have since become knights. The Patron of the Knighthood is St Michael the Archangel.
Since 2005, Fr Peter has been the spiritual director on English speaking Divine Mercy pilgrimages to Krakow, Warsaw, Vilnius, Rome, including the Shrine of St Michael the Archangel in Mont Sant Angelo, Italy. People have joined his groups from many English speaking countries in the world.
The Angels, messengers from a loving God magazine
The Angel magazine is a piece of my heart. In our magazine we try to spread the devotion to St Michael the Archangel, people love St Michael and the angels, but so little is known about them. Unfortunately because of the New Age some people make many mistakes, we want to give people true spiritual knowledge on the angels and teach how they can help in our daily lives and to be in touch and communicate with them. This is the main reason for publishing The Angel magazine. People find the magazine very helpful, it has a lot in common with The Divine Mercy and that is why we have the subtitle, messengers from a loving God. Angels come from the loving God and they lead us to God.
These days we should pray to St Michael the Archangel because he is a great patron and recite the simple exorcism prayer by Pope Leo XIII, which has Divine roots and St Padre Pio is a good example he said this prayer for protection and in times of difficulty. There is a renewal to this prayer and St Michael the Archangel, we have the scapular to St Michael the Archangel, the Act of Consecration to St Michael, the Knighthood of St Michael.
Even St Faustina who was so blessed by her vocation, was given St Michael as her ‘special patron’. On September 29th the Feast of the Archangels, St Michael appeared to her “The Lord has ordered me to take special care of you” he said shining with a radiance and strength that almost took her breath away. “Know you are hated by evil; but do not fear – ‘Who is like God!’”. St Faustina wrote in her diary “I feel his presence and assistance”. These words are good to keep in mind and this is the way to follow the saints by having a devotion to the angels.
Friday September 23
12noon, Mass and Homily. Confessions before Mass.
6:00pm, Mass and Homily. Confessions before Mass.
6:30pm, 20-minute talk: “The Angels invisible companions.”
7:00pm–8:00pm Eucharistic Holy Hour with Chaplet of St. Michael. Healing service. Veneration of the first-class relic of St. Faustina.
Saturday September 24
3:00–4:00pm, Eucharistic Holy Hour with Divine Mercy Chaplet, and veneration of the first- class relic of St. Faustina.
4:00–4:15pm, Chaplet of St. Michael the Archangel.
4:30pm, Vigil Mass and Homily.
5:30pm, St. Michael Scapular Investiture and consecration to Saint Michael (after Mass).
6:00pm, 20-minute talk: “St. Michael and his Angels in the Bible and Liturgy and the life of the Saints.”
Sunday September 25
9:30am, Mass and Homily. Confessions before Mass. Fr. Peter will provide special music & lyrics for “the Hymn to St. Michael.”
6:00pm, Eucharistic Holy Hour with Chaplet of St. Michael prayer. Healing service. Veneration of the first-class relic of St. Faustina.
7:30pm, Mass and Homily. Confessions before Mass.
Monday September 26
12noon, Mass and Homily. Confessions before Mass.