To be an Altar Server at Star of the Sea
Serving Our Parish; Enhancing Our Worship.
To be an altar server is not simply do things and to go and get things for the priest at holy Mass. After all, the priest can do those things himself. You are not there simply to help. The priest relies on his altar servers, yes, but the reason is far greater, more noble, more powerful, and more true than you might assume. In the capacity of an altar server, you are joining with the priest in leading the people of God, in the worship of God. If you understand this, you will come to see the real importance of what you are doing in a whole new light.
Our worship on earth reflects the worship in heaven. What we do here at the holy sacrifice of the Mass is a kind of distant echo of what goes on in heaven. There, the Lamb of God is offered in one timeless and eternal sacrifice. There the saints and angels worship around the throne of the Lamb. In that city there is no sun, moon, or stars, for the Lamb Himself is the light of that city. This altar you see here is a reflection of the altar in heaven. This chalice is a sign of the eternal Precious Blood of the Lamb. This host is, on earth, the sign of the Eternal Bread of heaven. The priest is an icon of Christ the Lord…¹
Who then is the altar server in this image of the divine worship? The altar server represents and reflects on earth those we call the heavenly host – that is, the saints and the angels who surround the throne of Christ in praise and worship.
At Star of the Sea Parish, any boy who has received his First Holy Communion may learn to serve at Mass.
Take a look at the videos below to hear what other altar servers have to say about their experiences, what they have learned, and what you might expect by serving in the sacred liturgy.
If you are interested in serving at our Masses please contact: Bryan Calmeyer: or call (415) 813-7626