Archdiocesan Annual Appeal

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Dear Friends,

Every Lent the Archbishop asks our support for the Archdiocese of San Francisco, known as the AAA, or Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. The apostolic works of our Archdiocese range from helping prisoners to helping unwed mothers. It funds our seminary (three men from our parish are studying for the priesthood in Menlo Park—Cameron Pollette, David Mees, and Jerick Rea) and subsidizes our Catholic schools. It provides for women’s shelters such as our Star Home across the street. Most of all, the Archdiocese makes sure we have enough priests, churches, and educational institutions to provide us with the Sacraments and the Word of God.

Next week we will see a video profiling the works of the Archdiocese (our own parish is featured in this year’s video). I will ask you to make a gift toward the AAA. Our goal this year is $77,000, which we easily raised last year. The greatest challenge for any parish is to overcome the 80-20 rule: 80% benefit from the gifts made by 20%. Last year we bumped that up to 30% participation. Let’s get that percentage up to 40% this year. You only live once. Invest in something excellent, beyond the passing goods of this world. Invest in the work of the Church that leads souls to eternal life. Plan now to give something, even $10 a month, to the work of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. For those able to give 1% or more ($770 or more), we invite you to the 1% Club Dinner in May. By the grace of God I will be able to make a gift of $770 this year—could you join me, if your means allow? If you can’t give 1%, give what you can, but give something, so that you are not left out. Thank you for your attendance at Mass and support of the Church founded by Jesus Christ.


Fr. Joseph P. Illo, Pastor


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