Online Gifts and Program Fees

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Gifts and Program Fees

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Parish Support
Here you can choose between the Star of the Sea Parish ministries to which you would like to donate.
    -Star of the Sea- General donation:       
    -Sunday Offering:    
    -Feeding the Homeless weekly:    

Sacramental Fees, Parish Programs and Events Tickets
    -Baptism, Wedding, Funeral Fees:    
           (For information about Sacramental fees call the parish office 415-751-0450)
    -Children's Catechism Program:    
           Fee $100, 2nd child $50
    -Music Program:    
           Parish Gregorian chant Class $100 minimum gift to join this class.

Parish Kiosk
    -Handcrafted Rosaries:    
           $35 each
    -Marian Art:    
           $25 each

Stella Maris Academy Supporting Gifts
Here you can give to our school and support our school programs.
    -Stella Maris Academy Gifts:    

Support for the suffering people of Ukraine
    -Help Families in Ukraine: Your Gift:    

Donations which directly support Nativity Hight School. Information:
    -Donations to Nativity High School:    


Gifts and Program Fees Frequency:  

Consider Recurring Donations

Recurring donations provide a steady stream of support. It is a great way to manage charitable giving without the worry of missing a payment– you set the frequency, select the payment method and your gift continues to give over time.

     mm/dd/yy   View Calendar


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