First Saturday Devotion
October 3, 2026 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm PDT
An event every month that begins at 8:30 am on day First of the month, repeating indefinitely
First Saturday Devotion
In 1917, in the depths of the First World War, Our Lady asked the three shepherd children at Fatima to promote the “First Saturday Devotions” as a sure means for world peace and personal peace. “Many souls go to hell because no one prays for them,” she said.
The First Saturday Devotion provides the four essentials types of prayer, and our parish provides them twice every Saturday:
1. Attend Mass and receive Holy Communion
2. Make a good confession
3. Pray the Holy rosary
4. Meditate on the Scriptures for 15 minutes
You can do all these four things either at 8:30am Mass (which is preceded by confessions and followed by the rosary), or at the 4:30pm Mass (which is preceded by rosary with confessions at 3:15pm). The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the main altar from 9am to 4pm each Saturday for your quiet meditation. Come, pray as the Mother of God has asked!